Bottom line on N. Africa: U.S. needs foreign policy

(Orlando Sentinel) Egypt, Libya and Tunisia are in Africa, not the Middle East. Major media reports and U.S. government briefings on the virulent democratic movements in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia over the past month give the impression that the Middle East is on fire,...

Economy’s future lies in a global education

(Orlando Sentinel) What is the value of a global education? Over the past 20 years, I have traveled all over the world as an international lawyer, educator or tourist. In nearly every place that I have worked or visited, I found that the world knows more about us than...

President Obama, race and the unpatriotic right.

(Orlando Sentinel) The far right and its right-wing brethren’s most recent barrage of indignant and visceral attacks against President Barack Hussein Obama has led me to conclude that the scourge of anti-Obama fanaticism is nothing more than foolish racism...

Sotomayor: Race-baiting and the unpatriotic right.

(Orlando Sentinel) Shortly after President Barack Obama selected Judge Sonia Sotomayor — originally a Bush the First appointee — as his nominee to the Supreme Court, key Republican Party operatives such as Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity and G....

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