A new form of Jim Crow arises from Roberts Court

Guest Commentary Yohuru Williams (Orlando Sentinel) In light of its recent decisions in critical cases involving voting rights and affirmative action, it appears that the U.S. Supreme Court is waging legal warfare on America’s well-settled civil-rights landscape. In...

Nelson Mandela: He is my hero, and a nation’s savior

(Orlando Sentinel) Soon, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, former South African president and bulwark freedom fighter, will leave us for more transcendent horizons. Madiba, the Xhosa clan after which he is affectionately named, is more than a human rights icon and leader; he...

George Zimmerman Trial Update

In our continuing coverage of the Killing of Trayvon Martin: the trial of George Zimmerman… in an Arise News Special on day 1 of the trial, Debbye Turner Bell spoke to Jeremy Levitt Ph.D. Levitt is an attorney and law professor at Florida A&M University in...

Trial and Race

International Law Professor Jeremy Levitt of the Florida AM college of Law and Professor of Education, Marc Lamont Hill at Columbia University joined us to discuss the role race will play in the trial of George...

For black professors, Obama remarks and record disappoint

(Editor’s note: This guest column is based on an open letter sent to President Barack Obama by six African-American male professors last week.) (Orlando Sentinel) President Obama’s recent commencement speech at Morehouse College inspired this column. As...

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