World Bank may have no need to fear big, bad Wolfowitz.

(Chicago Sun-Times) On March 16, the elite world of multilateral governance was shocked when President Bush nominated Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz, a key architect of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, to be the next president of the World Bank. Wolfowitz...

Support bill cutting Illinois dollars to killers.

(Chicago Sun-Times) The Illinois Legislature should take punitive action against the genocidal regime in Sudan. The people of Illinois have a tradition of principled activism that should be harnessed to combat global evils whether at home or abroad. As one of the...

A slice of American history we all should dig into.

(Chicago Sun-Times) Do Americans and Chicagoans, particularly non-blacks; really embrace one of America’s oldest sociocultural and educational pastimes, Black History Month? Yes, I said American pastime. In the runup to Super Bowl XXXIX, I could not help but to...

Why blasé response to horror in Darfur?

(Chicago Sun-Times) Why has the international community been immeasurably generous to the victims of the tsunami that rocked several coastline nations along the Indian Ocean but shamefully nonchalant about genocide and the cataclysmic human catastrophe taking place in...

What the GOP must do to win the votes of African Americans.

(Chicago Sun-Times) African Americans helped elect President Bush to a second term in the 2004 general election. At his speech before the National Urban League on July 23, the president asked for the “black vote.” He challenged black voters to reflect on...

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